Tag Archives for " public domain "

Using Logic Pro X and Public Domain Footage To Create Music Videos For Sci Fi

I started learning how to use Logic Pro X a few years ago. The first thing I noticed is how advanced music production has become as well as affordable. When I was in my late teens early 20’s we use to rent time in a music studio to put together a demo songs. First it cost a lot to get studio time back in the day.

Fast forward today anyone with a DAW and a little know how can produce some great sounding music. Not just only that, today’s musicians have many more options in learning how to become experts in their chosen instrument.

…With That Said,

I always wanted to write sound tracks to movies ever since I was a little boy. Being a creative person, I searched the public domain for footage and to my surprise I quickly found 2 types of content.

I found content on the old Sci Fi movies from the 50’s and I found content on Aliens and UFO’s. Being excited, I started using my midi keyboard and working on sound tracks on Logic Pro X. Continue reading