Edie Brickell | What I Am | The New Bohemians | Paul Simon | Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars | 1988

Edie Brickell

“What I Am” is a song written by Edie Brickell and Kenny Withrow. Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars released in 1988. The song is highlighted by a guitar solo that imitates the approach of Jerry Garcia and included the the use of an envelope filter. In my opinion, she is making light of religion and philosophy in this song. She thinks they demonstrate a pretense of depth, but in reality, they offer nothing of value to her. She expresses her contempt for them by trivializing them with metaphors of silly nonsense. Philosophy is insignificant as cereal box text, and religion is as meaningless as a smile on a dog. She would rather be choked then wade into so called deep waters of philosophy and religion in the world.

Edie Brickell
What I Am

I’m not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box
Religion is the smile on a dog

I’m not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
Choke me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep
What I am is what I am
Are you what you are – or what?

I’m not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
Philosophy is a walk on the slippery rocks
Religion is a light in the fog

I’m not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
Choke me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep
What I am is what I am
Are you what you are – or what?
Don’t let me get too deep

Songwriters: Brandon Aly / Edie Arlisa Brickell / John Bradley Houser / John Walter Bush / Kenneth Neil Withrow

Edie Brickell and The New Bohemians opened up a gateway for alternative music in general at the time of this release! Not just for the genre, but to lead the way for more female vocalists in the alterative genre!

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