Whatever Happened To Winamp?
If you are like me you have wondered what ever happened to Winamp? Almost 2 decades ago there was this little app. I remember really zoning out to it’s built in visualizers. So Winamp (Windows Advanced Multimedia Products) was released April 21, 1997. Back in the 90’s listening to music on a computer was very new.
In fact I remember clearly downloading songs from Napster (Remember that program?) and playing them on Winamp. It was the good ole days of the internet.
Where Did Winamp Go?
From what I understand AOL bought the company that created Winamp (Nullsoft) for 80 million dollars. AOL didn’t actually have a grasp on what to do with Winamp or they simply didn’t think it was that big of a deal. Shortly after Apple Ipods started to dominate the scene and the rest if you will is history.
I liked that amp so much that a few years back I tried downloading the latest version of Winamp which may have been 2013’s version. I could be wrong though. What I was really looking for was the visualizer. The version of Winamp I downloaded didn’t have a visualizer anymore so I found a software program that did visualizers similar. Even better is it works with my Mac so I grabbed it. Did I mention that it was a free download? You can grab it here if you want ==> Project Milk Syphon
Here is my experiment I took a raw version of song me and my friends wrote awhile back and used the visualizer to create a video.
The reality is that visualizers like this are really ancient now a days. But running it did bring back some fond memories. How about you? Did you use Winamp
? I am not a gambling man but I bet if you used Winamp you also used Napster. Let me know in the comments.